Syrup: Decoctum of: Lichen Islands, Flores Rhoeados, Herba Thymi, Herba Plantag. lanceolat., Herba Urticae, Folia Rubi frutic., Flores Chamomillae, Folia Trifolii fibrini, Flores Malvae.
Belladonna D3, Bryonia D2, Coccus cacti D5, Corall. rubr. D12, Cupr. acet. D12, Drosera D3, Ipecacuanha D5, Spongia D 5, Sticta D 3, Thymus vulg., Liquor Ammonii anisat., Saccharum, Ethanol, Aqua pur.
Mode of action:
Optimum concentration of divers ethereal oils, with specific effect on the mucous membranes of the upper air passages. Strong soothing effect,secretory and antiseptic due to its phenol and turpentine components,sedative on account of its contents of Flores Rhoades.
Mobilisation of the defensive elements of the organism by the additional use of active homeopathic ingredients with organo-tropic effects on the mucous membranes of the upper air passages.
- Belladonna: Convulsive cough attack, hollow and barking cough, dry mucous membranes.
- Bryonia: Harsh and dry cough with pain in chest.
- Coccus cacti: Hypersensitivity of the mucosa of the pharynx. Spasmodic cough with viscous glairy expectorations.
- Corallium rubrum: Violent attack of convulsic cough with choking fit.
- Cuprum aceticum: Spasmodic cough, viscous mucus, dyspnea.
- Drosera: Convulsive cough with cyanosis and suffocation, spasmodic asthma.
- Ipecacuanha: Dry asphyxiant cough with glottis spasm, nausea and emesia.
- Spongia: Hollow cough, cough at night.
- Sticta: Cold down from the nose to the pharynx and trachea, followed by
- bronchitis. Pressure on the root of the nose.
- Thymus vulg.: Expectorant.