In case of influenza use R 6; for fever R 1; Chickenpox R 68; Herpes zoster R 68, R 30; Measles R 62; Mumps R 1, R 26; Cough R 8, R 9.
Remove patient from animal protein and increase vitamin C use and
essential fatty acids.
With bacterial involvement R 87.
With fungal involvement R 82.
To build immune system R 93.
For stress involvement Vita-C forte.
Etiology: Exposure to virus starts the infiltration to the disease. the immune system’s condition during the incubation stage determines the degree and extent of the proliferation of the viral disease. Preventing exposure is important but even more so is keeping a healthy immune system, which allows the virus to do its work without threat to penetrate a cell to proliferate.
Virus are modified types of RNA or DNA whic carry messages from organisms to organisms. In nature virus are keptin check by bacteria and fungus. This triangle of micro organisms supplies a needed balance so that neither of these three becomes dominant, Excess antibiotics upsets this balance and lets virus and fungus grow.