Dr. Reckeweg R60 Blood Purifying Drops


Safety Information
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Key Ingredients:

  • Aranea Diad.
  • Conium
  • Fumaria officinalis
  • Hepar sulfur
  • Galium Apar.
  • Juglans
  • Myosotis arvensis
  • Sarsaparilla
  • Scrophularia nod.




Directions For Use:

  • 5 to 15 drops taken 2 or 3 times daily in water before meals.
  • Drops given according to age.
  • In chronic cases 1 or 2 times daily.
Safety Information

Safety Information

  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
Additional Information

Additional Information


  • Aranea Diad. D 12, Conium D30, Fumaria officinalis D6, Hepar sulfur. D12, Galium Apar. D12, Juglans D6, Myosotis arvensis D6, Sarsaparilla D6, Scrophularia nod. D 6, Ethanol, Aqua pur.

Mode of action:

Preparation has a deep effect on the constitution, acting on the blood and lymphatic glands. The connective tissue becomes more resistant by stimulating the endogenous immune system.

  • Aranea diad.: Great susceptibility to dampness, all symptoms are worse during cold damp weather.
  • Conium: Enlarging and hardening of glands. Paralytic asthenia of limbs with tremor and sweat.
  • Fumaria officinalis: Scrofulosis,.swelling of lymph glands, blood impurities.
  • Galium Aparine: General dyscrasia. Incarnate with tropic ulcers, diuretic.
  • Hepar sulf.: Promotes healing of devitalised tissue as caused by pus, boils and abscesses.
  • Juglans regia: Blood purifier.
  • Myosotis arvensis: Nocturnal perspiration with secretions and emaciation. Tubercular diathesis.
  • Sarsaparilla: Delayed development of children together with eczema.
  • Scrophularia nodosa: Scrofulos swelling of lymph glands, lymphatic constitution (hydrogenoid constitution).


  • To stimulate the immune response particularly in chronic
  • conditions, compare R 26.
  • In eczema: R 23 and R 21. In tumours: R 17.
  • In anaemia: compare R 31. In excessive perspiration: R 32. In TB of lungs:
  • R 48 and R 57. In acne vulgaris: compare R 53.
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