Dr. Reckeweg R-5 Stomach Drops


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Information about Dr. R5 Stomach Reckeweg R Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R5 Stomach Drops is a homeopathic medicine commonly indicated to treat stomach problems like gastritis, ulcers, flatulence, bloating, acid reflux, dyspepsia, etc.

Size: 22 ml

Product Origin: Germany

Key Benefits:

  • It works in Especially ulcus parapyloricum. Acute and chronic gastritis, dyspepsia, chronic relapsing gastritis with or without ulceration.
  • It helps to cure Heartburn, bad taste in mouth, frequent belching, flatulence, meteorism.
  • It helps to Acts on the inflamed mucosa of stomach, on the physiology of stomach.


Key Ingredients:


Argent. nitric.

Arsen. album


Carbo vegetabilis




Nux vomica

Scrophularia nodosa



Directions For Use:

  • In some patients, sensitive to drugs, the pains may grow worse after a few days of treatment, which is the so-called primary reaction. In such cases it will be advisable to discontinue the treatment completely for 1-2 days.
  • Resumption of treatment will result in continued improvement.
  • In other cases follow treatment with intermissions, or reduce the dose, or give the drops on a full stomach.
  • It is characteristic in the use of Dr. Reckeweg R 5, to see the usual relapses decrease progressively in graveness and frequency, until they disappear completely.
Safety Information

Safety Information

  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
Additional Information

Additional Information

Additional information about Zincum Metillicum

The Kind Of Patients Best Respond To The Action Of Zincum Metillicum

Zinc. has a full and substantial proving, including symptoms of every part of the body. It is an antipsoric, suitable in broken down constitutions, feeble constitutions; enfeeblement characterizes the whole proving.

The Zinc. patient is nervous and extremely sensitive, excitable, trembling, quivering, twitching of muscles, tearing pains along the course of the nerves, tingling, excited on the least provocation; oversensitiveness in one part and lack of feeling in another.

Slowness: All the functions are slow; eruptions appear slowly.

The whole economy seems to be tired and feeble, so that when a girl approaches puberty and it is time for the menses to be established, but the flow does not appear, she goes into a decline; she begins to manifest choreic symptoms, jerking and twitching, soreness in the back of the neck, burning of the whole spine, creeping and crawling of the extremities, hysterical manifestations of all sorts.

Sensitive to every little noise, to people talking in the room, to crumpling of paper.

“Talking or listening is distressing; much talking of other people, even of those of who he is fond, affects his nerves and makes him morose.”

Mind: Feeble children, feeble girls, mind feeble, memory poor.

Tendency to be docile, but when aroused irascible. If the child comes down with scarlatina or measles, it goes into a stupor. The eruption does not come out. There is a tendency to convulsions, drawing in the extremities, suppression of urine, rolling of the head from one side to the other, and from stupor it goes into complete unconsciousness; inability to throw eruptions to the surface.

Slowness again: The stomach is slow in digesting; sour vomiting.

The intestines are sluggish. The rectum becomes impacted. Difficult expulsion of urine; paralysis of the bladder and tedious constipation associated with spinal symptoms; urine slow in starting; can pass it only when sitting and in some cases only when sitting leaning back against the seat with hard pressure.

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