Dr. Reckeweg R41F Impotence Drops


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Information about Dr. Reckeweg R41 Forte Impotence Drops

Dr. Reckeweg R41 Forte Impotence Drops is a homeopathic medicine commonly indicated to treat impotence, loss of libido, loss of sexual strength after illness, cold relaxed genital parts from excessive indulgence or abuse .

Size: 22 ml

Product Origin: Germany

Key Benefits:

  • sexual asthenia (weakness), spermatorrhoea (involuntary discharge of semen) and general debility (lack of strength) especially in men.
  •  It is also indicated for after effects of the debilitating illness, overwork on  physical weakness, over excitement and nervous exhaustion.
  • It treats various kinds of the old age related secual infirmities.


  • Acidum phosphoricum
  • Agnus castus
  • Damiana


Direction of use:

  • Generally 2-3 times daily 15 drops in a little water before meals.
  • In cases of long standing and to achieve a more rapid result, for 2-3 days 10-15 drops can be taken every 1-2 hours.


Safety Information

Safety Information

  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
Additional Information

Additional Information

Ingredients: Acidum phosphoricum D8 0,25 g, Agnus castus D6 0,50 g, China D8 0,5 g, Conium D30 0,25 g, Damiana D6 0,5 g, Lecithinum D6 1 g, Panax ginseng D6 1 g, Phosphorus D8 0,5 g, Procainum hydrochloricum D3 1g, Sepia D30 0,25 g, Tocopherylis acetas D6 1 g, Yohimbinum hydrochloricum D4 0,5 g, Excipients: Ethanolum, Purified water in 10 g.

Indications: Sexual asthenia, spermatorrhoea, general debility especially in men.

After-effects of debilitating illnesses, overwork on physical or other planes, overexcitement, nervous exhaustion. Against various kind of ailments in old-age.

Mode of action:

  • Tissues grow old through a variety of causes. The formation of rings can be noticed in the albuminous molecules bringing about a ratification of water and consequent parching. As these albuminous molecules loose their working efficacy they can no longer fulfil their detoxicant role to-wards the cells. This in turn means an accumulation of harmful tissues. It is through a homoeopathic medication stimulating the detoxicant cellular mechanism that an outward bound elimination of these toxins is achieved.
  • The composition of R 41 has been adapted in such a way as to influence the different systems, with special emphasis on the sexual glands. It is universally admitted that the function of the germinal glands affects the whole life-current in an individual. Other indications in accordance with the following symptomatology.
  • Acidum phosphoricum: Tonic in case of IMPOTENCE and lack of libido.
  • Agnus castus: Lack of virility; weakness.
  • Damiana: Strengthens the genital regions.


  • As complementary remedies R 19 is recommended, as well as R 31 after illnesses bringing on exhaustion, and in cases of anemia.
  • VITA-C 15 as nerve tonic, R 2 for perturbations in the circulation, and R 3 with muscular weakness of the heart as found in potatoric cases and in old age.
  • R 48 for weakness of the lungs; R 51 for cases of emaciation and over functioning of the thyroids.
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