Ingredients: Alumina D12, Bryonia D 4, Colocynthis D 4, Lachesis D 30, Lycopodium D 4, Mercur subl. corr. D 8, Nux vomica D 6, Plumbum acetic. D12, Sulfur D12, Ethanol, Aqua pur.
Mode of action:
It is a fact that the liver governs almost the whole detoxicating system in the organism, especially in the intestines. All the food decomposed in the intestines is directed towards the liver, except for the fats which are concentrated in the chylifies. It follows that the functional disorders of the liver will involve a repercussion in the intestines (stoppages). On the other hand the liver sends toxic elements outwards through the intestines. In this connection cholesterics and porphyrins deserve special mention as intermediaries among the hemoglobin tissues; they are consumed by the liver. In modern therapy the liver is exposed to harmful reoxidation in many ways. This entails a merely intermittent emission or absorption of intermediary elements and this intermittence has repercussions in the intestines. The outcome is flatulence, meteorism, flatulent colic, intestinal cramps which are often considered as the after-effects of appendicitis or even of tumors. These ailments can also be induced by nicotine. Chronic constipation is a frequent concomitant and R 37 becomes even more imperative.
Alumina: Stool in small lumps; constipation.
Bryonia: Constipation; dark stools.
Colocynthis: Flatulent colic; tendency to contraction.
Lachesis: Bad digestion especially after an excess of quinine or alcohol.
Lycopodium: Flatulent in the evening.
Mercur. subl. corros.: Tenesmus, dysenteriform intestinal cramps.
Nux vomica: Intestinal spasms.
Plumbum acet.: Intestinal colic. Watery and nauseous stools; chronic
diarrhoea. Abdomen very sensitive to touch.
Sulfur: Reaction agent, malodorous flatulence, swelling of the abdomen.
Matutinal diarrhoea.
R 37 regularizes stools and will end constipation in many cases.
- In gallbladder colic: additionally or alternately with R 7.
- In kidney stone colic: additionally or alternately with R 27.
- To sedate: compare R 14.
- In enterocolitis: alternate with R 4.
- In duodenal ulcer and gastritis: additionally R 5.
- In pancreatitis: see R 72.